who we are
We have a responsibility to create safe containers for the extraordinary experiences we build in the events industry. Besides, the safer the container, the further outside of our comfort zones we can go, leading to wilder and more meaningful thrills!
That means ensuring the people who construct these experiences together have access to the support they need if harm, conflict, overwhelm or violence permeate their experience.
“One might argue that a community without such a structure is not a community at all, but a series of fractures waiting to happen.” -Nora Samaran, Turn This World Inside Out
- Nonjudgment
- Neutrality
- Consent

Adele Meyer, Founder
Adele is a mediator, advocate, and community organiser. She is trained in conflict resolution, crisis intervention, peer counselling and harm reduction by industry leaders like WhiteBird Rock Med, the Zendo Project, the Black Rock Rangers, and the Red Cross. She has a Master’s degree in psychosocial studies, and was certified in mediation by San Francisco Community Boards.
Adele has had the privilege of working many wildly different events and festivals for over ten years, including:
- Tour de France
- San Francisco PRIDE
- Envision Festival, Costa Rica
- Oregon Eclipse Gathering
- Lightning in a Bottle Festival, CA
- Black Rock City, NV